Hey There

So, I know that lots of blogs start out with the super casual and relatable “I never thought I would start a blog . . .” story, so this probably isn’t anything new for you. But I totally never thought I would be starting a blog.

Now, let me be clear, I always wanted to start a blog, I just never thought I’d actually get there! So now that literally everyone and their mom, or dog, or baby, have a blog, I’m gonna give it the old college try. #greattiming

But what could I possibly have to offer people? Everything I would possibly blog about, I’ve learned from someone else’s blog… what would make mine special?

I’m gonna go with authenticity. I know, lots of bloggers are authentic. Lots of bloggers are witty. Most are gorgeous and have beautiful pictures. But I’m gonna offer good ol’ fashioned, and mostly sarcastic, genu-ine authenticity.

Just a little bit about me:

I live in Illinois with my husband, baby girl, and two puppies. We’re originally from Oklahoma, so none of our family is nearby – which means that with a baby, we’re on an adventure! I work from home as a graphic designer, which allows me to have my dream job, wear whatever comfy stuff I want, AND spend all day with my sweet girl. As Michael Scott would say, “that’s a win-win-win”.

Disclaimer: you will not be seeing many posts from me about cute outfits. I’m a full time, work-from-home mom, which means 95% of my wardrobe consists of sweaters and yoga pants. #fableticsforthewin

I work for Christian Standard Media, designing both Christian Standard and The Lookout. Deep down, I always thought it would be so awesome to work for a magazine, so getting to design two is just an absolute blast. Occasionally I squeeze in some freelance projects, so you’ll probably be hearing lots about design projects. I have zero professional training – everything I’ve learned has been on-the-job, so most of what you’ll see here is what I affectionately called “happenstance graphic design”. If you’re a professional, and you see that I’m doing something ridiculous, PLEASE feel free to enlighten me in the comments. I love to learn!

So, at this point I feel like I’m talking too much… let’s wrap it up.

I’m not sure really what this blog will turn into. I love Jesus, I love my family, and I love my job, so you’ll probably be hearing lots about those things. I’d be honored if you stick around for a bit… let’s see what happens!

mk | New Blog



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