I’m super excited to share this project with you, because not only do I think it’s adorable, but it’s actually mine. So I’m feeling the high of “this cute thing I’ve been dreaming of is finally real!”
My friend Emily and I have dreamed about a billion different hobby / small businesses / schemes / outrageously adorable projects over the years, and I’m so excited that one of them is actually seeing the light of day!
Are you guys even friends if you haven’t planned at least one potential business together?
If you know us personally, then you may be familiar with The Barn Swallow. This was the first of our grand ventures, and another one that actually saw the light of day. We created The Barn Swallow back in 2012, right after we’d moved to Quincy. It was an absolute blast. We had a booth in the holiday gift show every year, hosted a few events, were featured at some local shows, and did lots – and I mean lots – of custom orders. It was a great outlet for our creativity! It gave us an excuse to spend time looking for inspiration, design beautiful things, and paint to our hearts content.

Then the babies starting happening.
Emily had her first baby. She and I each had full time jobs. We were looking to start a family as well. The Barn Swallow took a backseat.
Since then, the dreaming hasn’t stopped. We both have an absolute love for children’s books. There are so many things we’d still like to do, but step one was just sharing what we love with others! And since we’ve recently moved 400 miles away, a blog seemed like a great fit!

So, I introduce to you Maples & Poppies! Named for our sweet girls, it’s a place where we hope to share books we love with your family as well. I’m so excited to get to work on this project with my dear friend, and I hope you love it too. Check it out! Let me know what you think! And happy reading!